In 2007 Mi Oficina opened its doors as an internet café in Concord California, all with a few Mac computers bought on craigslist and a pc donated by a family friend. Within a few months additional services were added including fax, printing and scanning. The goal was simple, help the local Monument corridor community bridge the digital divide with a warm, welcoming and safe place. By 2008 Mi Oficina had grown into a complete internet café offering not only computer access but delicious espresso drinks and artisan Mexican pastries.
Our Mission is to help bridge the digital divide though computers and coffee while giving back to the community.
In addition to the well known espresso drinks Mi Oficina offers its unique variety
Enjoy an authentic Mexican pastrie or a savory sandwich.
Mi Oficina is your office on the go.
Use any of the 12 computers to check your email, browse the internet, print, type documents or work on presentations for 10 cents per minute. There are both Mac and PCs available a
Send and receive local, national, or international faxes quickly and easily.
Bring your laptop and enjoy a drink while connecting to our free wi-fi.
The Contra Costa Times mentions Mi Oficina Computer Cafe as a business trying to help Latinos connect to the internet and close the digital divide.
Women's Initiative selects Mi Oficina as its Women-Owned Business of 2009 for Concord California.